Bereavement has its own tide

It definitely seems to ebb and flow, come and go.
In the past few months I haven’t had much of a relationship with my loss and my writing. It’s not that I’ve been down with it. Not at all. But not ‘up’ either. Just a bit… nothing. I haven’t had that urge to write or even think much about it. Is this that infamous writer’s block?
Yet The Adult Orphan remains, even when the writing ceases. I am still that daughter, my mum is still that mother. Our situation remains the same, but life continues to move forward. We meet new people, some good news is received at work, a friend has a baby, Winter turns to Spring.
My progress has not been stationary though, even if it hasn’t registered within me that the progress has taken place. Why is it so easy to focus on what we haven’t done, and forget about what we have!
Since my last post, I completed my level one and two in counselling skills. I picked up that book mum bought me eight years ago but I couldn’t face until now. I carried out my own lil social media ‘quiz campaign’ to compile a profile my mum (watch this space).
So, in short, I’m back. Not with a vengeance, nor with some dramatic entrance, but I’m back.
And it feels good.